Wednesday, August 6, 2014

My 8th Grade Photo

Take a look at this teenager.  This is me in 8th grade, in all my pre-pubescent awesomeness.  Next to 8th grade me, is Kindergarden me.  Notice the apathetic, don't-give-a-poo, look on my face.  

I was 5 years old, and man, did I have the world figured out.  I was sassy, adorable, and boys feared me.  Well that last part might be made up.  

Now go back to 8th grade me.  Take a moment to really take that photo in, in all it's middle school glory.  

And look at all my activities!  I don't even remember what Mothers and Others is, and I did Peer Mediation?  Dang, either my memory is crap or I completely blocked out middle school.  

But who wouldn't, amIright?  

Who can forget the awkward dances, needing to grow into our features and/or other body parts, or our hideous fashion sense because we wore uniforms and basically didn't know what to do with "real" clothes.  Changing in gym class, the phrase "Will you go out with me?", or having to take health class (sex ed.) in a Catholic school.... and just being socially awkward in general.  

Good times, oh yes, those were good times.  

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