
Monday, August 25, 2014

Boomtown Motivation

Work, Work, Work

So anyone who knows me and Chris knows that we came here for the opportunity to make some cash.  No question about it.  

Knowing that info, it should be no surprise that we want to work as much as possible, and make as much as possible, while staying sane, of course.  

Plug for self-care: That whole sanity part can be hard...if you live in Williston, a.k.a. Boomtown, and you're used to more of a city atmosphere, you need to take care of yourself.   

Part Time Job

Last week I was offered a part time job with the school district with great pay and great hours.  The gig is supervising the after school program at one of the elementary schools.  I'll work my regular counselor job during the day and a be the site supervisor after that.  

At this point, 3/4 of what we make is going to be extra (since we're so used to living on the bare minimums) and if that's not encouraging to anyone wanting to come out here, I don't know what is.  

We are going to pay off so many school loans!

Disclaimer:  Move out here with a plan. 

Check out How to Move to Williston: Part 1How to Move to Williston: Part 2, and How to Move to Williston: Part 3.

Know that housing costs a ton, and that everything out here is just a wee bit more expensive.  However, be patient, give it some time, be willing to work, (and entertain yourself since there's not a whole lot here for those of us who are used to the city) and you'll be just fine.  

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