
Monday, December 22, 2014

While Wandering West...

Driving across the top of Montana, through all of the little towns that have been trapped in the late 1900's, has been a serious blast from the past.  (Not like I was alive for most of the 1900's but I've seen movies…)

The feel of a simpler life is all around these little towns.  There are no Targets, Best Buys, or JCPennys.  I suppose you could always order things online, but otherwise you just make or grow it yourself.  That whole concept is so appealing to Chris and me.  

A simpler existence is what stemmed this whole adventure.  

Many of you already know that we dream of someday having a homestead.  It can be small; we could even make it work with one acre.   It would be so amazing to be able to rely on ourselves as much as possible, and not have all of the extras that crowd life.

Simplicity.  This fly-over state is full of it.

There are also a lot of cows.

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