
Monday, July 28, 2014

Our Fellow Hell-goers

Grocery shopping is interesting here.  

Most people do their shopping on Sunday since that's the only day they don't work.  If you do decide to join the rest of the town and do your shopping that afternoon you will wait in line a looooooong time.  (We've waited 45 minutes-that's extreme, but it's happened.)

The better choice is to shop on Sunday morning.  But... it means you're skipping church.  And heaven forbid you skip church. ::she says sarcastically:: (According to a few extremists I've met, we're probably going to Hell.)

...And everyone at the store knows it too.  

...Everyone there is also skipping church.  

It's suttle, you look at each other and nod, like, 

     "Hey you skipping church?"

     "Yea, we're going to hell"

     "Us too, see you there"

Hey, at least we'll have company.

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