
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

10 Rules to a Happy Marriage

I've been asked many times what the secret to a happy relationship is and the truth is, there's more than one answer.  There's 10.  Just kidding, there's more, but I'm lazy and only want to talk about 10.  

10.  Make an effort to woo each other.  Just because you've made your relationship legit in the legal way, doesn't mean you can stop trying to impress each other.  You've heard of keeping spice in the relationship?  Well, that's what this is.  Making an effort to woo the other person.  Surprise her with flowers, make him his favorite meal.  Just do it!

9.  Speaking of wooing, let's not forget dating.  Yes.  Date night.  It may sound cheesy, but who doesn't love cheese?  I know I do, especially with a good wine.  Hey, that sounds like a great date night!  If you don't want to call it date night you don't have to, you can call it ball and chain night for all I care, just as long as you make plans to do something fun- just the two of you-on a regular basis.  

8.  Never assume that he/she knows what you're thinking.  One of the biggest mistakes in the book, and it's a pretty big book.  So many miscommunications and arguments can be avoided by simply telling the  other person what you're thinking or how you're feeling.  

Example:  "I shouldn't have to tell you what's wrong, you should know".  EH! WRONG!  This statement is just mean.  You're giving your loved one no chance in hell with this statement.  

7.  Everyone loves compliments!  If he/she has obviously put some effort into their appearance/dinner/a project/whatever take a second and tell them they look nice/it smells great/did a wonderful job/et cetera.

6.  When you fight/argue/get in a "tiff" always remember that it is not important to be right, it is important that each of you feels loved.  

5.  Just because you sealed the deal by getting married doesn't mean you can now take them for granted.  Always say "Please" and "Thank You" and always make sure they feel appreciated.   They are your favorite person, you should probably treat them that way.  

4.  Play!  Flirt!  Simple enough.  I don't think I need to say anything more on this one.   

Me and Chris in "Nose Squishies"

3.  As important as it is to retain your individual goals, it's just as important to create new "together" goals.  This way, you're working your way through life TOGETHER.  

2.  Don't get upset with him/her for not being a gourmet cook or magnificent housekeeper or the many other things that society tells you your spouse should be.  If they weren't these things when you were dating, getting married won't magically change that.  If anything, do these things together.  That way you can have things done "your way" while they still help.  

And the number one thing I can tell you as a very happily married woman...

1.  Say "I Love You" and kiss every single day.  Multiple times a day.  You're not just life partners, you're in love.  

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