
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Crunchy Trail (or, My Passive Aggressive Rebellion)

Let's talk about my sprint down the crunchy trail since we moved here...  

First, let me begin by saying that this is a lovely town, with lovely shops, restaurants, and people.  However, it is not "crunchy friendly"- Crunchy = "conservationists, environmentalists, neo-hippies, tree huggers, nature enthusiasts, etc."- and that is a total bummer.  

The Crunchy Trail

We've been skipping our way down the crunchy trail for a few years now; finding out about new ways to do things (which are actually old ways to do things) and embracing the hippie-ness that has been waiting to bubble out of us.  

(Check out "You Might be Crunchy if"... I was in the 20-40 category.) 

What I find interesting, is that since we've moved to Western ND, we haven't been skipping down the crunchy trail, we've been galloping.  

My Passive Aggressive Rebellion

This wasn't done consciously.  

In fact, I'm not really sure what prompted it.  

All I can say is that with the lack of anyone who knows what the heck we're talking about, we've apparently been embracing our inner enthusiasts 10 fold.  Not sure why, maybe it's just to stick it to "the man".  

Ok I think I just figured it out, like, just now.  

Becoming ridiculously more crunchy is my way of secretly rebelling against the political/anti-environmentalist vibe here.  I'm not going to pretend I don't appreciate what this community is doing for my family, but I can secretly rebel against all of it!  I guess it's not really a secret anymore, oh well. 

There is hope, not for our gallop to slow down, we like our new pace, but, for the town to catch up.  

Is there anyone else here who even knows what Kombucha is???

I love me a good Co-op, Yoga studio, micro brewery, or outdoor gear shop (tent camping, hiking, bicycling, not hunting, or RV'ing), but those things just haven't made it out here yet.  

But I have hope!  I have to, otherwise we'll be living in a Yurt with our goats, with not even a decent farmers market as an outlet.