Saturday, January 18, 2014

Why I Blog in the AM

Because everyone else is sleeping and the wifi works.

Yep, that's pretty much it.  

WiFi in the park...I can't really complain because it's free.  However, it's free because it doesn't work the greatest, therefore they can't charge for it until it works.  

If you hope to do anything internet related in the evening, good luck.  It's like 50 people trying to eat dinner off of the same pizza.  You might get some, but not enough to count.  

In Other News

Chris is kicking butt at his job.  I love my job so far, and I'm sure I'll keep loving it.  It feels amazing to be able to do what I went to school for.  Not everyone gets that chance, and I'm grateful for it.

Bella is also doing well.  See?

Monday, January 13, 2014

So I blinked and a week went by

Its feels like I blinked and a week went by.   I've just been so busy lately.  

That's because... I am now officially employed!  

And not just simply employed, but with a job I actually went to school for, pretty impressive eh?  I know I'm excited.  

It's been a long process, with waiting for my ND license and whatnot (I hinted at my excitement almost a month ago and posted about my experience finding a job and how quickly that part of it went.)  I'll just say nothing happens quickly, especially over Christmas.  

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


How do I procrastinate?  Let me count the ways...

  • Hulu and Netflix (thanks to our family)
  • This blog
  • Books, oh how I love books
  • My journal
  • My dog
  • My new camera
  • My yoga mat

Yep, that can usually kill a day.

Good post, eh?

Monday, January 6, 2014

I Think I'm Becoming a Tech Geek

Happy Monday!  

I drove Chris into work this morning at 6:30 and decided to stay in town since I had a meeting at 9 (and our RV parking lot is complete ice and I don't want to drive through there more than once if I don't have to).  

Then the meeting was postponed until 11.  Which means I've been killing time for 4 hours at a coffee shop in town.  Foouuur hoooouuuurs. Good thing I brought my iPad.  

Let me tell you why I've fallen in love with my iPad.  

In the last few hours I've added to my family tree in, read part of the book I'm reading, and I wrote this post.   

I fought getting one for months.  I didn't need one. They're too expensive.  But Chris insisted I'd use it and love it.  It still took some convincing, since you can buy a lot of groceries for the price of an iPad.  But we bought it, and I love it.  I think I'm becoming a tech geek.  

This morning, while chilling in this coffee shop, waiting for my meeting, I've added a few generations to my family Geneology, read a couple chapters in the book I'm reading, and wrote a blog post.  

Not bad for only bringing one thing with you.  

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Simply Going Green isn't Good Enough

The last few years we've gotten pretty serious about not eating complete crap and just using natural stuff in general.  

We've always recycled and done our duty there, but we've decided simply going green isn't good enough.

We have a few grand endeavors for this new year and one is to start making a lot of our own products instead of buying them.

We also want to start growing any food that we can while living in a gravel RV park, so basically anything that we can grow in pots.  As you may have read, that's going to be a challenge for me and will probably be mostly up to Chris.

When these New Years resolutions will start, not sure, but I'll keep you posted on how we're doing.  

Saturday, January 4, 2014

I Kill Plants

Confession:  I kill plants.   

Doesn't matter what kind it is, I will kill it.  

This isn't a secret.  For years now I've been given plants that are hard to kill.  Sadly, they've all been added to my plant cemetery.

The two (only two) plants I have now are only alive because of Chris and other plant friendly people.  

I want to grow my own food and my non-green thumb may cause me some problems.  

I want to grow tomatoes and beans and lettuce and potatoes and and and... I need to figure this out.  This whole growing plants thing.  

Friday, January 3, 2014

A New Year and a Birthday

With my birthday only 3 days into the new year, a new year is literally a "new age" for me.  

Today is my birthday.  

I'm 28.  

I feel incredibly old.  

I know I'm really not, and my older friends are rolling their eyes, but it's the oldest I've ever been.  ;) 

I remember my last birthday feeling very different.  I felt like my 27th year was going to bring big changes.  While I expected to finish my masters and get a job, I never expected to move to the prairie of North Dakota.  

It's exciting to think about the possibilities of a new year and I definitely have my hopes for what I want to happen.  

I guess we'll just have to wait and see.