Saturday, November 23, 2013

2 Qualities of a Friendship Lifer

In my opinion, the trending Facebook memes about what makes a good friend are leaving some things out.  

As I've gotten older (I'm so old right? Almost 28, whoo!) I've realized the importance of surrounding yourself with the right people.  More precisely, the right friends.  

When I think about what makes a Lifer (A Lifer-A friend that lasts.  Someone who you can pick up right where you left off as if no time had past.  Cliche, but true.)  There are two things that come to mind when thinking about this that you don't see on the Facebook memes, especially the second one.

2 Qualities of a Lifer        


          1.  Being similarly minded.  I don't just mean how they think politically, or religiously, although those can sometimes make or break a relationship, I'm talking about a persons general way of being.  Do they agree with you about what is good and bad overall?  Do they look at life similarly to how you look at life?

If the answer is no, they may not be a good fit in your life.   

Yes, yes, I know you can make a friend out of anyone, so before you say anything, I'm talking about in general here.  

          2.  Even more important, is how you feel after spending time with them.  

Here's the idea: Some people drain your energy while others replenish it.  Think about it; when you're with this person do you go home feeling exhausted or awesome?  Do they drain you or replenish you? 

If you can find someone that shares your take on life AND has a positive effect on your energy, don't let them go.  Keep that friendship going.  Build a bond.  Make them a lifer.  


And don't let distance be an excuse when you find a real gem. They may live far, far, away, like Duluth, Minneapolis, Valporaso, IN, or France!  Don't get all clingy and weird, but definitely hold onto their friendship. 

So, Where the Hippies At?

I'm ready to find some lifers in ND.  So where the hippies at? Hipsters? Ok, highly progressively minded individuals?  Where are you hiding, I know you're here somewhere. 

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