Saturday, December 14, 2013

Why it's Ok to have 10 Winter Jackets

I may be addicted to winter outerwear.  The first step is admitting you have a problem, right?  Well I'm not sure if I do or not.  You tell me.  

Ever since I started caring about what I looked like, I'd say puberty, I've had somewhat of a jacket obsession. Obsession may be a strong word, but I definitely collect them.  

I have one for just about everything, every occasion, and every climate.  Currently, in my camper, I have 6 winter type jackets, and I've justified needing at least two more.  Is that normal? I'm not sure.  

I can Justify Anything

Here's my reasoning;  During the cold months, October through June in these parts, you cover up with a jacket of some kind.  Therefore, it doesn't even matter what you're wearing underneath it because no one is going to see it. Clothes, no clothes, who cares!  No one will see!

They will, however, see your jacket.

If you get sick of looking the same all the time, like I do, you want more than one jacket.  And then you want three, and then four, then five...  

More Justification 

Let me just add that I grew up in Minnesota, which is already north, and therefore cold, and I just keep.  Moving.  North.  For some reason.  Only god knows why.

It is -18 degrees Fahrenheit as I write this.  Am I wrong to want to be warm? 

I changed my mind, I don't have a problem. 

I have a collection.  

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