
Monday, August 4, 2014

Stick Fires

(I almost deleted this post.  Then I decided it's too rediculous to take down.  It may also be too rediculous to keep up.  But, considering how I wrote the majority of this blog, it made the cut.)

I want to learn how to start fires with sticks.  Not just for camping and survival purposes, but for it's entertainment value.  

Me with my stick fires

How cool would it be to be able to start a fire with just your hands and some sticks.  I could be walking down the street and BAM there's a fire.  (Granted I would need to have sticks in my hands...details...) I wouldn't need a lighter or matches or a flint and steel or anything. 

And I'd start them whenever I felt like it, not just when I felt cold.

I could be talking to someone and they'd be like, "Hey there, how's it going" and I'd be like, "it's going really well, I just got a promotion" ::BAM:: "Oh hey, I see you've also learned a nifty new skill.  I am impressed."

And then we'd skip merrily down the sidewalk.  

I may need to cut down on my caffeine intake.

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