
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

How to Merge Your Blogs in Blogger

If you're like me and your current blog isn't your first crack at this, but you still like some of your posts from older, still existing blogs, then you may want to merge them.  

This will help your older posts be seen and allow you to delete those old blogs, freeing up those domain names, guilt free.  Those posts can be kind of sentimental can't they?

Here's what you do...

  1. Open the blog you'd like to export.  (You'll be adding these posts to your newer, current blog.)
  2. Go to Settings, then Other
  3. Click on Export Blog 
  4. Click on Download Blog (Don't worry, your old blog will still be there until you delete it yourself.)
  5. Now open your new blog (where you want your old posts to go).
  6. Go to Settings, then Other
  7. Click on Import Blog
  8. Your downloaded info should be the most recent thing listed in your Downloads file, click on it (mine was listed as "blog" followed by the date)
  9. Un-click the box that says "Automatically Publish" since you'll want to reformat the posts to flow smoothly with your current blog.  (There will be a new category under Posts labeled Imported.)   

That's it!  I just did it twice!  

And it's nice knowing that the thoughts of genius me of 2 years ago can now be seen ;)

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