
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

That time I kicked the ceiling (or, Long Jumping into Bed)

Story time.

So I couldn't sleep the other night and I was just laying there and laying there, tossing and turning, playing on my phone, and laying there some more.  Finally I decided that if I wasn't going to sleep, I might as well do something productive.  

Tiny Bedroom.

Living in a camper has its shortcomings.  Like having your bedroom be the size of a peanut and only having 6 inches of walking space (more like shimmy space) between the bed and the wall.  Which I'm not necessarily complaining about since we put a queen size bed in when there's really only room for a camper double, or whatever size they call that.  

Long Jumping.  

So anyway, it's a pain in the arse to get in and out of bed, especially with my side being on the far side.  Usually, if I don't feel like shimmying through the path, I dive into bed.  More like I long jump into bed.  I clear the step, go over Chris and sometimes the dog, and hopefully land on my side of the bed without hitting the mirrored closet door that is waiting to break my fall.  But I wasn't about to do that at 1am.  

What to do?

I've been on an exercise kick lately, it started when we got here to be honest, since I don't have much else to do, so I thought I'd do some leg lifts.  I figured Chris wouldn't be woken up considering there's not a whole lot of movement and they can be done quietly.  

Plastic Dealy Bob Light Fixture Thing.

It sounded like a good idea until I forgot we were in a camper and that the ceiling in the bedroom was only 6 feet high, maybe less.  Being that I have long legs and the bed already puts me at least 3 feet in the air, I immediately kicked the ceiling.  

My very first leg lift resulted in my foot, like I aimed for it, and very loudly, perfectly hitting the plastic dealy bob light fixture thing.  

...Yea, so I stopped doing that.  I didn't wake up Chris though, so that's good.  

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