
Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday Morning Dog Poo

This is how my day is going so far.  

Woke up this morning to make Chris coffee, breakfast, and pack him a lunch, as I do every morning that he works.  Now before you start thinking that I'm some domestic goddess, his breakfast this morning was a bagel with cream cheese, and his lunch was a turkey sandwich.   Actually go ahead, think it, I am a domestic goddess.  

I groggily walk into the kitchen, in front of the coffee maker, and wonder why I'm not standing on the kitchen mat.  I turn on the light, look down, and see dog poo, that has been smeared by my foot, among other large turds.  In case you're wondering why I didn't feel the poo, it was because I was wearing slippers.  So now I need to wash my slippers, and my feet are cold.  And I need to run to the store to pick up some cleaner.  

Next, I say bye to the hubby and decide that instead of coffee this morning, I could really go for some green tea.  I basically start craving it.   Let me back up and say that we brought a bin of tea with us, a small bin, but a white plastic bin nonetheless.  What can I say, we're both tea drinkers.  You'd think that there would be green tea in there, at least I did, but there wasn't!  Sad day.  I had earl grey instead.  Good, but not green.  

No green tea for this poop picker upper.


Pretty good punch line, eh?  Made it up myself.  

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