
Monday, January 6, 2014

I Think I'm Becoming a Tech Geek

Happy Monday!  

I drove Chris into work this morning at 6:30 and decided to stay in town since I had a meeting at 9 (and our RV parking lot is complete ice and I don't want to drive through there more than once if I don't have to).  

Then the meeting was postponed until 11.  Which means I've been killing time for 4 hours at a coffee shop in town.  Foouuur hoooouuuurs. Good thing I brought my iPad.  

Let me tell you why I've fallen in love with my iPad.  

In the last few hours I've added to my family tree in, read part of the book I'm reading, and I wrote this post.   

I fought getting one for months.  I didn't need one. They're too expensive.  But Chris insisted I'd use it and love it.  It still took some convincing, since you can buy a lot of groceries for the price of an iPad.  But we bought it, and I love it.  I think I'm becoming a tech geek.  

This morning, while chilling in this coffee shop, waiting for my meeting, I've added a few generations to my family Geneology, read a couple chapters in the book I'm reading, and wrote a blog post.  

Not bad for only bringing one thing with you.  

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