
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Embracing the Awkward

I can be reeeaal good at being awkward.  It's a gift really.  But instead of fighting it, I often embrace it.  Why, you ask? Because it's hilarious.  

You can either own it or .... Um... Not own it.  

By owning it, you turn awkward moments into something that makes you giggle.   And I like giggling.

We're Attracted to Awkward Behavior

Why are we attracted to awkward behavior?  First of all, someone who is awkward doesn't come off as threatening.  They typically won't "play" you, because they're not smooth enough to get away with it.

Second, because of their lack of ability to be "smooth" they come of as much more sincere.

Why not embrace the awkward???

Awkwardness is Funny

...and not in a sitirical way.

Since we, as awkward people, usually aren't fully aware of our awkwardness when we're being awkward (until its too late that is) it makes it even more amusing.  And when we do become aware of our awkward behavior, we try very hard to mask it.  

Unless it's getting a good reaction, of course, in which case we milk it for all its worth like the comic geniuses we are.  

By owning the awkwardness, we make it ok.  We make it so it becomes a funny, endearing trait of ours instead of something cringe worthy.

Think Michael Cera.  Ridiculously awkward, yet incredibly endearing.

Side note:  Being confident makes owning anything easier.  With self-esteem, you can turn being awkward into being quirky ( think Zooey Deschanel).  

If you're struggling to own your awkwardness, don't worry, there a lot of people more awkward than you.  

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