
Monday, December 2, 2013

10 Gift Ideas for a Minimalist

Minimalists.  These are our friends who get rid of what you do not use or need, live in uncluttered spaces, and do their best to live uncluttered lives.  

While admittedly, I'm sort of becoming one, they are hard to buy for during the holidays. 

I'm experiencing this delema more and more lately as my friends and family shed their extra belongings and declutter thier lives.  

My husband has been on the path to minimalism for a while now, and birthday/Christmas shopping gets harder and harder every year as he slowly collects his favorite things and donates the rest.  There are a few things I'm able to get him this year but I'll share what those are in a later post (so if you're reading this Hunny, this will not be a spoiler for what you're getting.  Sorry! )

Gift Ideas for your Minimalist 

1). Experiences.  Does your minimalist like concerts or theater? Get them tickets to a show they've wanted to go to, or a gift card to a venue so they can pick the show and date.

2). A nice dinner.  How about a gift certificate to a restaurant you know they love or have been dying to try?  

3). Music.  An iTunes gift card usually makes it on just about everyone's wish lists.  

4). An eReader.  A Nook or a Kindle is a great alternative for minimalists who love to read by don't want the bulk and clutter of a traditional shelf full of books.  Already have one? Than a gift card to Barnes & Noble (for the Nook) or Amazon (for the Kindle).  

5). A membership to an organization they like.  This could be anything.  A membership to the zoo, a museum, wilderness organizations, etc...  And in addition to the actual membership, sometimes they send tokens in the mail, like a sticker for them to put on their Subaru. ;) 

6). Edible treats.  The gift of food works well for minimalists because the gift doesn't add to their "stuff".  

7). The gift of relaxation.  Pamper them with a gift card to a local spa for a massage or a mani/pedi.  

8).  Monthly box subscriptions.  I've just recently gotten into these.  The idea is that every month you're sent a package of items for you to try and hopefully fall in love with (and then continue to purchase).  They have them for many different interests.  The 5 I'd like to try are Eco Emi, Conscious Box, Kara's Way, Hammock Pack, and Goodebox. (More of these later.)

9).  A gift of a maid.  I almost didn't include this idea because, depending on the person, they may take it as an insult.  So be careful.  If your minimalist would appreciate it, then this is an awesome gift!  I know I'd love it.  

10).  Practical gifts.  While these may be the least fun, they may in fact be the most appreciated.  I know some of my minimalists would prefer to receive gas gift cards and toothpaste any day.  

Holiday shopping can be rough, good luck out there!  

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