
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Bella's Big Adventure

Part of my entertainment on the drive to Williston, ND was our dog, Bella.  Chris and I drove two cars out here, so Bella got to hang out in the passenger seat of my car the whole time.  She had been used to 3 hour car rides to see our families, so 12 hours (even broken up between two days) was a lot.  I wasn't sure how she'd do, but she was a trooper and did great!  Take a look for yourself.  

Helping load the Uhaul in Duluth, MN.  

Whew!  Packing is exhausting.  

Visited my family before we left.  Here I am wearing a Turkey hat.  

Here I am helping sort through things in the storage unit.  Again, absolutely exhausting!

On the road!

My first hotel room!  I did so well, didn't make one peep.
Even got my own bed.  Yea, I'm that cool.  

How I spent most of the 12 hour drive.

We're seriously not there yet?

Here!  Found my new nook.  

This bedroom's kinda small guys.  

Ok, I guess I could chill here for a while.

The end.  

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